Clinical Team and Policies
Our team includes board-certified dermatologists and plastic surgeons who are active members of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Please beware of our referral and appointment booking policies:
To ensure timely access, given the high demand for skin lesion assessment, we prioritize referrals for specific lesions of concern when scheduling. We do not assess or treat other general dermatologic issues, such as rashes.
We do accommodate full body skin exams (FBSEs) for very high risk patients, This is usually done by a general practitioner with special focus in dermatology. If you require that your patient to only be seen by a dermatologist (not a GP derm), please send us a new referral each year. This is in keeping with recommendations by Cancer Care Ontario detailed below.
For patients with a referral in the past year, we will assess any new lesions of concerns without additional referrals. They may book with us directly.

Our Specialists

Dr. Sarah Kwan, MD, FRCPC
Dr. Sarah Kwan is a Canadian board certified dermatologist with a long track record of clinical excellence in the diagnosis, workup, and treatment of benign, premalignant, and malignant skin lesions.
Dr. Chang Ye Wang, MD MSc, FRCPC FAAD DABD
Dr. Chang Ye Wang is a Canadian and American board certified dermatologist with a long track record of clinical and research excellence in diagnosis, workup, and treatment of benign, premalignant, and malignant skin lesions.

Dr. Jiayi Hu, MD, FRCSC
Plastic Surgery
Dr. Jiayi Hu is a Canadian board certified Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon with a particular interest in surgical management of benign and malignant skin lesions.

Dr. Yuanshen Huang, MD PhD, FRCPC DABD
Dermatologist (Mohs)
Dr. Huang is a dual board-certified dermatologist and Mohs surgeon in both Canada and the USA with world class training in medical, surgical, & cosmetic dermatology. Her main clinical interest is surgical & procedural dermatology.
Patients Eligible for Total/Full Body Skin Exams
Per Cancer Care Ontario, individuals at very high risk for skin cancers should be identified by their primary health care provider and offered total body skin examination by a dermatologist or a trained health care provider on a yearly basis. Individuals with any of the following risk factors have a very high risk of skin cancer (~10x the risk of the general population):
On immunosuppressive therapy after organ transplantation.
Received > 250 PUVA treatments (psoralen-ultraviolet A radiation).
Received radiation therapy for cancer as a child.
More than 100 nevi in total or 5+ atypical nevi.
2 or more first-degree relatives with melanoma.
Personal history of skin cancer.
Reference:, evidence-based Series (EBS) 15-1.